Let’s meet Dubsado. Keeping all my clients organized and ensuring I’ve sent them everything needed to complete their project gets overwhelming at times. Realizing I’ve forgotten something really grates on me and I rush to ensure that it gets sent out or completed.

Enter Dubsado into the picture and now, all my processes are being streamlined and I honestly can’t be more excited for this step in my business. How do I use it, you ask? Here’s what you can expect from Whimsical Reverie.

Firstly, contact forms lead straight to my Dubsado software allowing me to quickly get information, proposals, contracts, and invoices sent out quickly and efficiently. With Dubsado’s workflows and all my business information already pre-loaded, certain processes can be automatically sent without me having to take time away from my projects to create new assets and get them sent off. You just signed your contract? Great! After that, the system automatically generates your invoice and lets you pay the initial deposit and sets up my workflow with all the steps for your particular project.

Secondly, the biggest perk of Dubsado is allowing me to focus more on the creative side and my customer’s projects rather than spend hours attending to office tasks. Above all, clients get the best out of me.

In addition, Dubsado also allows my client easy access to their documents and files at any time. Clients receive access to all their information during the on-boarding process. Are you a current client? Access your client portal here.

In conclusion, doesn’t that sound great to you? Feel free to purchase a pre-made project or contact me about a custom project. I look forward to working with you!

Note: All Dubsado links are affiliate links.